Statewide Capital Expenditure Planning FY 2026-2027 Guidelines


House Bill 1, Article IX, Section 11.03, 88th Legislature, Regular Session – 2023, directs the Texas Bond Review Board to prepare a statewide Capital Expenditure Plan for the 2026-27 fiscal biennium. The plan is to identify the state’s capital needs, alternative methods of financing those needs, and the possible budgetary impact of capital requests on the state’s debt capacity. It will provide a tool for decision makers to assess individual capital expenditure requests within a framework of the state’s overall financial situation. The plan will be submitted to the Governor’s Office of Budget & Planning and the Legislative Budget Board no later than September 1, 2024.

Project Categories

As defined in Section 11.03, capital projects are limited to:

  • land acquisition,
  • construction of buildings and other facilities,
  • renovation of buildings and other facilities expected to exceed $5 million in the aggregate for a single state agency or higher education institution, and
  • major information resource projects expected to exceed $5 million.

“Major information resources project” means:

(A) any information resources technology project identified in a state agency’s biennial
operating plan whose development costs exceed $5 million and that:

(i) requires one year or longer to reach operations status;
(ii) involves more than one state agency; or
(iii) substantially alters work methods of state agency personnel or the delivery of
services to clients;
(B) construction of buildings and other facilities;
(C) any information resources technology project of a state agency designated for
additional monitoring under Government Code, Section 2261.258(a)(1) if the
development costs for the project exceed $5 million.

The plan will include both new and existing projects with expenditures anticipated for the 2026-27 fiscal biennium.

If you have no projects that meet the capital project limits, please fill out the reporting exemption form and e-mail it to [email protected].

Methods of Collection

The Bond Review Board works in conjunction with the Higher Education Coordinating Board in collecting capital expenditure data by using a web-based method of data collection maintained by the Higher Education Coordinating Board.